
The Editorial Committee Ceramics in dentistry

The Editorial Committee Ceramics in dentistry
08-11 Ceramics for dental restorations have evolved from fragile materials made from naturally-occurring minerals to high-strength synthetic ceramics of today.
Manufacturing techniques have moved from purely manual processing to computer assisted design and manufacture (CAD/CAM). The development has been rapid during the last 20 years and is still ongoing regarding the balance of esthetics and strength, and cementation procedures.

The present theme present elements of properties, applications and clinical performance of contemporary dental ceramics.

Ceramic materials and their different applications have become an essential part of contemporary restorative and prosthetic dentistry. The tooth-like appearance of ceramic materials has made them desirable for replacing and restoring dental hard tissues dating back to 18th century. In the last decades there has been a formidable development in both materials and processing techniques (Figure 1). The three main issues in the development of dental ceramics have been to improve the dimensional accuracy of ceramic restorations, increase flexural strength, and to make the appearance more natural-looking

Dental ceramics of today constitute a heterogeneous group of materials with significant differences in mechanical and optical properties as well the ability to be bonded to teeth with resin-based cements. A favorable clinical outcome depends on material selection, manufacturing technique, restoration design, and compliance with recommended procedures. The dental practitioner therefore needs good knowledge about the indications, limitations, and correct use of materials. Moreover, computerized design- and manufacturing technologies (CAD/CAM) at the dental laboratories have expanded the applications of ceramics (1).

The present theme aims to provide evidence-based information on the properties, indications and contraindications, and clinical outcomes with regard to contemporary dental ceramics. Also, examples are provided to show clinical applications in young people and in other challenging situations.

Figure 1. Timeline of the evolution of ceramic restorative materials.

Properties of ceramics

Ceramic materials are inorganic, non-metallic, solid materials comprising metal, non-metal or metalloid atoms forming a ceramic structure in combination with oxygen for instance (2). The ceramic materials constitute atoms with ionic or covalent bonds, and can be crystalline, amorphous or comprise a combination (3). The restorative materials are usually chemically stable, strong and hard but are susceptible to brittle fracture, in contrast to metals and alloys, which exhibit

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