
Fantastic winter meeting!

Fantastic winter meeting!
We all know that the best biochemical event of the year is the NBS winter meeting, and the 2017 meeting was really remarkable! The plenary lectures were excellent and the high quality science was presented by speakers that also focused on the audience.
Through the minisymposia and posters we got the essence of projects and expertise across Norway and we could also appreciate that the latest recruits have a lot of talent. Even the commercial exhibitors were ingenious and significantly contributed to the success of the meeting. Thanks to our colleagues at NMBU for good organization and selection of themes. Soon after the first presentations it was clear that the program was meeting the expectations, but we nevertheless felt that there was room for more colleagues sharing and enjoyed this program. We have discussed before the challenges of segmentation of the classic disciplines such as Biochemistry, leading to high demands in order to keep pace with increasing number of specialized technologies and concepts, omics approaches and specific conferences. Paradoxically, one of the issues that became very apparent in this years' presentations at the winter meeting was that the often discussed confrontations in the field, e.g. between omics/big data/fishing expeditions in one direction and basic/mechanistic and f
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NBS-nytt 14.02.2021
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NBS-nytt 14.02.2021


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advokatbladet agenda-316 allergi-i-praksis appell arbeidsmanden arkitektnytt arkitektur-n astmaallergi automatisering baker-og-konditor barnehageno batmagasinet bedre-skole bioingenioren bistandsaktuelt blikkenslageren bobilverden bok-og-bibliotek bondebladet buskap byggfakta dagligvarehandelen demens-alderspsykiatri den-norske-tannlegeforenings-tidende diabetes diabetesforum din-horsel energiteknikk fagbladet farmasiliv finansfokus fjell-og-vidde fontene fontene-forskning forskerforum forskningno forskningsetikk forste-steg fotterapeuten fri-tanke frifagbevegelse fysioterapeuten gravplassen handikapnytt helsefagarbeideren hk-nytt hold-pusten HRRnett hus-bolig i-skolen jakt-fiske journalisten juristkontakt khrono kilden-kjonnsforskningno kjokkenskriveren kjottbransjen kommunal-rapport Kontekst lo-aktuelt lo-finans lo-ingenior magasinet-for-fagorganiserte magma medier24 museumsnytt natur-miljo nbs-nytt nettverk nff-magasinet njf-magasinet nnn-arbeideren norsk-landbruk norsk-skogbruk ntl-magasinet optikeren parat parat-stat politiforum posthornet psykisk-helse religionerno ren-mat samferdsel seilmagasinet seniorpolitikkno sikkerhet skog skolelederen sykepleien synkron tannhelsesekreteren Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening traktor transit-magasin transportarbeideren uniforum universitetsavisa utdanning vare-veger vvs-aktuelt