
The Viking version of Assassin's Creed is surprisingly violent, according to researcher

The game is part of an explosion of popular culture created around a contemporary idea of Vikings and Norse mythology, where violence often plays a large part.
There is a level of brutality present in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla which is not typical for this blockbuster game series, according to Jane Skjoldli.

She is one of five researchers in the project Back to blood at the University of Stavanger. Over the next few years Skjoldli and her colleagues will analyze how the contemporary idea of Vikings is constructed, interpreted and promoted in various cultural spheres. Skjoldli's project focuses on popular culture in the lives of those who are interested in all things Viking.

As part of her study of music, movies and digital games, Skjoldli has been studying Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which was released in November 2020.

She finds the game represents a specific type of popular culture Viking - a brutal warrior, who simultaneously embodies somewhat progressive gender norms while also representing a conservative masculine ideal.

Compared to the other Assassin's Creed games however, Skjoldli has observed a difference in the quality and level of violence she has observed in the game.

The researcher stresses that she herself is a gamer.

I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember, Skjoldli asserts.

When violence in games is being discussed in the public debate, I am usually not the one to react and participate. However, I quite understand those who have reacted to the level of brutality in Valhalla, she says.

Some gamers have discussed the issue on social media, complaining that the finishing kill animations on people and animals are unnecessarily long and repetitive.

(Image: Ubisoft Montreal)

Forced to watch the kill

An important part of the game is to rob monasteries. A large chunk of the game takes place in a fledgeling Viking colony in England, which the player has to build with pillaged materials.

When there is a fight between the player and a computer-controlled figure, the goal obviously is for the player to win - meaning killing the other. So far, this is normal.

However, when this happens in Valhalla, it seems that nearly every single time, the camera and the player is overtaken by the game mechanics - you lose control over your avatar, or character, and are forced to watch a sequence in which an unusually long and obnoxious killing sequence takes place, Skjoldli explains.

It becomes a sort of repetitive forced sequence of violence, where your character disarms the other, takes the weapon and overkills by pounding the enemy ad nauseam. It's a sequence that takes about 5-6 seconds, and this can feel like a very long time when it is repeated over and over. It seems to encourage sadistic responses to violence

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